IELTS Writing

IELTS Writing: Why Mechanical Cohesion Will Hurt Your IELTS Essay Band Score

I can’t tell you the number of times I have come across essays that use words like ‘moreover’ and ‘furthermore,’ and I immediately knew that this person would not score as well as they hoped they would. The IELTS Writing exam tests a candidate’s ability to communicate in English just as well as a native […]

IELTS Writing: Why Mechanical Cohesion Will Hurt Your IELTS Essay Band Score Read More »

IELTS Grammar: Complex Sentences Are Not Complicated Sentences!

Many students make the mistake of trying to show off their grammar skills in IELTS writing by crafting overly complex sentences. This often leads to errors and lost marks. One common misconception is that every sentence needs to be complex, leading to misunderstandings about what a complex sentence actually is. This post will cover: How

IELTS Grammar: Complex Sentences Are Not Complicated Sentences! Read More »